Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Diamond Clarity - How Diamond Clarity is Graded

Diamond clarity is one of the four important features in valuing a diamond. The others are cut, caret, and color. This article will focus on how a diamond's clarity is graded.

There are two types of flaws. The first is an inclusion. The second is a blemish.
An inclusion is a type of flaw that occurs within the internal characteristics of a diamond. These include: internal graining, bearding, cleavage, cavities, knots, crystals or minerals, feathers and clouds.

A blemish is something that mars the surface and distracts from diamond clarity. This includes chips, pits, nicks, scratches, naturals, grain boundaries, and polish lines.

Diamonds are categorized as Flawless, Internally Flawless, Very Slightly Included, Slightly Included, and Included. Within these categories, there are grades.
When magnified under a 10x microscope, The Flawless diamond is, well, flawless. The Internally Flawless diamond cannot have any inclusion, but may have surface blemishes.

Only 20 percent of diamonds mined are good enough to be used as gemstones. The rest are relegated to industrial use. Most of the 20 percent that are gemstone quality still have significant flaws. The flaws may even be visible to the naked eye and are considered Included.

Diamonds with Slightly Included and better grading are progressively more expensive.
The clarity of the diamond is one of the primary determinants of price when it comes to rings, earrings, and other jewelry. You'll pay a pretty penny for superior diamond clarity.

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